Chaussez vos baskets Contre le Cancer du Sein 2018
Online registration
Secured payment with
Accueil et
Retrait des dossards : samedi 21 avril 2018 de 15h00 à 17h00. Dimanche
23 avril de 7h45 à 9h15, passé cet horaire aucun dossard
ne sera délivré. Café offert aux participants.
Horaires des départs : Marches : 9,3 kms : 9h30 ? 6,8 kms : 9h45 - Course :
12,85 kms : 10h00 ? Course 6.8 kms : 10h15 - Enfants départ : 11h45
Registration form
Please type here your personnal information, and choose the registration options corresponding to your case. Once all the form fields are filled, click the button Validate your registration, which will activate the secured online paiement. You can validate many individual registrations at once.
The organizer of this event asks for a mandatory copy of a medical certificate or valid licence for each individual. Please provide these documents in order to proceed to the validation.
The registrations online are now closed for this event.